This is a vigorous form of Yoga, which synchronizes specific sequences
of movement to strong breathing. It was popularized by Pattabhi Jois
(1915-2009), who, as a youngster, was Krishnamacharia's prized student.
Yoga / Flow Style Yoga
Vinyasa is the Sanskrit term for sequencing yoga poses and synchronizing
them with the breath. Vinyasa Yoga is often Ashtanga Yoga based, but
with variations in sequencing by individual teachers.
An American name for yoga in the Vinyasa Flow style, generally referring
to its physical vigor.
Named after B. K. S. Iyengar (1918-2014), Krishnamacharia's brother
in law. This style of yoga is known for its precision and emphasis on
alignment and the use of specially designed props to achieve such alignment.
A practice or teaching that is influenced by Iyengar Yoga.
Devi Classical Yoga
Indra Devi (1899-2002) was the first female and Western disciple of
Krishnamacharia. She was also the first classically trained female yoga
teacher, known as the "First Lady of Yoga". Her style of yoga reflects
the teaching of her guru, her own gentle feminine energy, and an emphasis
on devotional experience.
Vini as in" viniyuj", means to employ; to apply. Viniyoga
means applying yoga to its individual practitioner. This style of yoga
reflects the high degree of individualization in Krishnamacharia's teaching
in his later years. Krishnamacharia's son T. K. V. Desikachar (1938
- ), who lived and studied with his father from 1960 till Krishnamacharya's
death in 1989, has been carrying on and further developing this individualized
and therapeutic style of yoga.